[5/15 Speech] Environmental seminar

Environmental Seminar on May 15, 2020.

|| 講題:科技部海洋學門資料庫的線上資源與應用

|| 時間:2020, 5/15 (Friday) 12:20-14:00pm

|| 地點:Global Change Research Centre 2F room G202

|| 講者:郭家榆,翁其羽 — 科技部海洋學門資料庫

There will be a live stream video. Lunch will be provided. Students are welcome.


海洋學門資料庫(ODB)自1986年建立,以收存國內研究船探測海洋資料為基底,委由國立臺灣大學海洋研究所以服務型研究計畫方式運作。ODB所累積三艘研究船之長期資料,包含流速剖面、單音束水深、EK聲納探測、重力引測、與表水溫鹽度測量等沿航跡資料,以及水文採樣、化學採水、生物拖網、反射震測、海床底質測繪、採泥和岩心取樣紀錄等隨船探測數據;另外,這幾年新引進的水下滑翔儀與其他無人載具資料、衛星遙測影像、與數值模式結果等多面向海洋資料亦持續收集整匯入庫。ODB除了例行的資料保存、品管、相關資料申請與推廣任務,並積極在各領域建置網頁應用查詢,呈現加值內容,以及發展分散式之互動式平台、海上作業後勤輔助、及資訊技術研發等服務。這些資料與資訊服務在資料庫網頁有詳細功能介紹:http://www.odb.ntu.edu.tw。並以ODB生物海洋資料庫發展開放應用程式介面(Open API)為例,評估區域性浮游動物群聚分布及物種歧異度,架構適用於研究資料分享與可重現性分析之科學運算平台。

The Ocean Data Bank (ODB), under long-term financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), was initiated and has been operated by the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University since 1986. The main sources of data in ODB are provided by R/V Ocean Researcher I, II, and III through laborious surveys around Taiwan in more than three decades. Numerous CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) casts, ship-borne ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) profiles, bathymetric tracks, EK acoustic echo-sounding transects, trawls from various depths, and species abundance count records are archived upon strict quality assurance procedures. As an interdisciplinary integrated ocean data center as well as a knowledge inquiry unit, ODB not only collect and curate data resulted from field, in-situ, and remote-sensing observations around Taiwan and adjacent regions, but also dedicate to developing value-added applications, providing an one-stop service of searching, retrieving, and visualizing cross-field multi-dimensional oceanic information by using up-to-date technologies such as distributed database system, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication platform, and Geographic Information System (GIS) implementation strategy. All on-line services, along with detailed explanation, can be found on the ODB website: http://www.odb.ntu.edu.tw. An open application programming interface (Open API) for ODB bio-database is introduced. The Open API is used to evaluate regional distribution and species diversity of zooplankton communities, as an example, and can be applied to a scientific computation platform for data sharing and research reproducibility.